Friday, December 05, 2008

Black is Back!

Parts are now coated and have cured. The enamel was actually very easy to use, and dried to the touch very quickly which made handling easier.

Here is a photo of the same coolant tube as in last post:
Enamel (Custom)

Macro shot:
Enamel (1) (Custom)

Here's a shot of the block. Sorry for the poor photo, I was not in the best of lighting and it was cold outside, and it's heavy. So it stayed in the shop.
Enamel (3) (Custom)

And a macro shot of the block again. Very slick!
Enamel (4) (Custom)

Hopefully parts will arrive soon. I have a 5k race to run tomorrow (my first!) so I might have some photos from that. I have however left my camera at the grandparents house on thanksgiving though, so it might not happen. I've bee borrowing someone else's in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Jared....I'm glad your car is inching towards completion day-by-day. I hope that your marathon went well. I can't wait to see the pictures! ^_^


Anonymous said...

Yo J-red!

UPDATES! NOW! come on! and I'm gonna kick your ass at risk you better believe it.