Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fixing That Junk in the Trunk

Things are finally starting to come together with the car. The Engine and all is in the shop, and I'm working on cleaning out the workspace in order to put things back together. I've got the heater in the shop working which will make things much more pleasant in the coming nights.

While the block is out I'm working on another issue, which is the license place bracket has rusted itself into oblivion. It holds the license plate well, however the top part of it that holds the plate lights is gone completely. It took quite a while to get to the bracket, including removing the entire taillight assembly, trunk, and rear bumper. Now I need to fab up a replacement... :)

Here is what is left of the Trunk:
Bumper Work (2) (Custom)

Here is the rear end:
Bumper Work (3) (Custom)

What's left of the culprit:
Bumper Work (Custom)

Close up of the damage via oxidation:
Bumper Work (1) (Custom)

And of course there always is some extra tools you need to buy in order to do any one job:
Bumper Work (4) (Custom)

However there is good news:
DSCF3711 (Custom)

And better news:
Gas rejoice (Custom)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

play that funky music DJ JARED

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jared, it's Kristin...I just wanted to say that you should come over here to Oxford again soon.....but just ignore the other posts since Dustin is trying to spam you....^_^