Thursday, February 09, 2006


A very cool Java game that has had me entranced for quite a while recently is this sand game. I've seriously spent hours playing with different ideas in this. It's been linked by many, many other sites, but I figured I would put it here as well.

I will be leaving for Florida on the 18th and still don't have my camera back from the repair shop. I'll see if I will be able to borrow someone's for a week or so. I will be visiting Tampa again as well as many of the sites I visited before in the northern part of the state last year. Some warm weather will be welcome, and hopefully it will be much warmer than it was when I went last spring. If I ever obtain a camera I will be sure to post some of the highlights of the trip. My next big trip after this will hopefully be out west to Colorado and the Rocky Mountains. I've been there once and it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I would like to be able to go with a few friends and take dualsport motorcycles on some of the mountain passes. Anyway, enough with the daydreaming, play with some sand!

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