Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Everything in it's original place.

Well, I finally am getting settled back into the house, which is great. Commute is down to less than 30 minutes a day which is great seeing as I no longer have to fill a 20 gallon tank every other day! I'm hoping to get some pictures as well as some video, however video production on Linux is giving me a bit of grief at the moment. I've been keeping myself busy most of the time with training for the triathlon, averaging 10-15 miles/week on foot and 30+ on bike/week. We'll see how long I can keep this pace, as I'm starting to have some issues with lower legs. I'm going to be giving it a couple days rest and see how it fares.

I still need to get some photos of the new bicycle, a new laptop has been procured, and lots of projects with the house. I might even get the motorcycle down here this weekend! :-)

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