A cool sunset I captured on the way home from work.
Another beautiful sunset. It did turn out well, but the camera just could not capture all of the "mood" that it had.
This one was on my camera after a few people came over one night. I have no idea who took it, but it turned out well I think.
And this is what happens when you mix alcohol, a Furby(ie?) in the road, and several people who detest furbies.
I just enrolled at USI in an attempt to get my BS knocked out of the way, so this next year will be very busy with classes and all. So far the experience has been good, but I've only been to one day of classes thus far. I had several issues with my transfer from Ivy Tech, but I'm sure many were at least somehow related to procrastination on my part. Also, this month marks the 2nd year of Perfected-Insanity. Happy birthday!!!
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