Well, after I spent the day changing oil in different vehicles I noticed that my cell phone was misssing. I thought I remembered having while under the hood of my car. After looking for several hours over the course of a couple of days I finally gave up. It was going straight to voicemail by then and I figured the battery went dead. I figured I left it under the hood and it fell out on my way to work the next day. Anyways After I hit the store and spend $300 on a new one, I start getting emails and phone calls that Pep-Boys was calling everyone on my contacts... They had my phone.
Anyways, it sucked but I really wanted a new phone anyways. I went with the cingular 3125, and I must say its pretty nice. Feels real solid in your hand and the soft buttons are incredible. Windows mobile makes transferring ringtones and syncing with my outlook calendar, email, and contacts a snap. The camera is nice, but nothing amazing. Here's what it looks like:

I have some pictures of my latest trip back north on the bike, but my Flickr account is maxed out this month. I'll upload them as soon as I can upload again.
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