Saturday, April 22, 2006

7 Wiki's Feast

While browsing through various articles on Wikipedia (which I believe is one of the greatest achievements on the web in a while). I ran upon some terms of which I've recently heard people throwing around with little regard to what they may actually mean. Another problem I see is that way that they were presented in the public school system (At least in my experience most things were presented in a very Black and White, good or bad manner.)

Nazism (Most people are not so much wrong about this, but grossly ignorant of the origin/ideas. There are also some interesting similarities in current policies and political views in the U.S.)
Police state

I have been sick for about a week straight, and this is the worst I've felt in many years. I don't think I've felt this bad since I was sick as a kid. I've seemed to of made it through the worst of it without any life altering problems, so I guess it's not too bad.

On a somewhat lighter and semi-comical note(in retrospect), I did manage to finally get my motorcycle down here again. It was, what's the word I'm looking for...hmmm... Wet, and I did not have on proper raingear.

I will be repairing some minor damage (due to age and dryrot from the sun) and just do some general tune-up and work before I sell it and purchase a newer bike. I would like to keep this bike since it used to be my dad's, but it will be a big burden to keep both and a car, both financially and practically. I'll throw in some pics of me riding my other bike...

until next post...

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